My Interests.
I have a P2 speech on 15th July at ToastMasters.Still not sure of the topic.
Just have the following Ideas.
A talk on financial Literacy, negotiation Skills, Working of the Human Brain, Of IQ - EQ, success,
The ability to take risks Vs Security seekers.
Inovation - Needs to go againts the established norms.
A brief review of Future Shock , power shift.
Members of Mensa.
Cricket, An analysis of issues holding India back - bureaucracy.
They rule - men who hold the power.
Genes Vs Env.
Learning Style.
The future of Technology.
The importance of Goals in our life.
Everday is a miracle.
Life Skills - what are life skills ?
Its not what you get as a result of a job, but the job itself should drive you.
What do you need --> Imagination, Information , concepts, attitude, ---- and ------.
Indians - Individuals are spectacular successes!!.